There are currently no open faults to report.

Status: Fixed

2025-01-07 12:40:09 - 2025-01-14 10:42:17

We are experiencing issues currently due to a DDos attack on our network. Our Network Team are aware of the issue and are working on a resolution as we speak.

Our best method for communicating out to everyone is via our Facebook page. Please check there for updates as well.

Apologies for the inconvenience.

Update 07/01/2025 - 3:31PM Our Network Team have successfully mitigated the issue for the time being. General web surfing should be back to normal thankfully. Due to some of the changes we have had to make to get around the DDos however, some services such as email (receiving emails from international locations), domains and other interactions with our DNS servers, may still be affected. Feel free to get in touch with us if you have any questions. The InSPire Net Team.

Update 10/01/2025 - 4:20PM No news is good news! We haven’t experienced any further attacks. Rest assured our technicians will continue monitoring services around the clock. Additionally, our backup helpdesk agents are on standby to assist should another incident occur. Lets hope for an uneventful weekend. Take care everyone!

Status: Fixed

2024-11-20 13:01:33 - 2024-11-21 10:14:29

Inspire Net mail server maintenance: Thurs 21/11/2024 2AM - 5AM

Our mail storage platform experienced a minor issue earlier today. To ensure everything continues to run smoothly, we'll be performing a pre-emptive reboot early in the morning for maintenance checks, during which our mail services will be offline. Incoming mail during this time will remain queued and should be received once services are brought back online.

Status: Fixed

2024-08-17 10:44:10 - 2024-08-19 11:24:30

There are 3 of our Core routers that are still causing some issues after the outage on Thursday. We have routed around the problems that these are causing. We are planning to implement the same fix on our routers in Pahiatua, Wellington and Feilding tomorrow morning during our maintenance windows between 2am and 4am

There will be a 5-10 min break in service for Wellington UFB customers and some MetroLAN, DSL and UFB customers routers will re-auth

Status: Fixed

2024-08-15 12:49:38 - 2024-08-16 00:58:22

Customers' internet access may not be working due to what we believe is a routing issue. Engineers are working on it right now.

UPDATE - 15/08/24 - 1.50PM Hi all. Our Network engineers are still working on resolving the issue. We believe this is affecting all Inspire Wireless services and our own Inspire Fibre connections at present. No estimated time of when this will be repaired as yet. We'll keep posting here and on our website when updates come in.

UPDATE - 15/08/24 - 3.08pm Hi All our network team has advised that while the fault still remains, the team is getting closer to pinpointing the exact issue. Still no estimated time of repair unfortunately. We'll provide another update at 4pm.

UPDATE - 15/08/24 - 4.20PM I spoke with one of our Network Engineers, and unfortunately, there are no new updates at this time. They're carefully examining our network and collaborating with some of our equipment vendors to pinpoint the cause of the issue.

From here, we'll pause on the hourly updates and only provide them when we have some solid information or an ETA. Once again we apologise for the inconvenience.

Status: Fixed

2024-08-01 09:21:30 - 2024-08-01 10:33:47

Hi everyone. Microsoft services are experiencing a global outage currently. This is affecting products such as office 365 and azure ( among others). This is a fairly wide spread issue affecting multiple ISP's. Microsoft are working on a fix and should hopefully have a resolution soon.

Status: Fixed

2024-06-18 11:56:58 - 2024-06-21 17:23:42

Hi Everyone,

One of our Wholesale Providers has informed us that they will be performing network maintenance, which will cause a service outage for UFB ( Fibre) connections in the Palmerston North area. The outage will last up to 45 minutes and will occur between:

11 PM on June 19th and 6 AM on June 20th.

Services should come back online by themselves once the work is completed. If not, try giving our router a quick reboot. If all else fails, our helpdesk will be available from 8am if you need a hand. 0800 484 363.

*** UPDATE *** The maintenance work has been completed. If you are still experiencing an outage, make sure to turn your router off and back on. Most of the time this will bring the service back online. If not, please feel free to give us a call. 0800 484 363.

Status: Fixed

2024-05-26 14:35:23 - 2024-05-27 00:29:49

Billing services will be unavailable for customers for the next few hours. Mail service may also be intermittent, but should generally work. If your mail client's services do not work, please wait a few minutes before trying again.

Status: Fixed

2024-05-13 12:51:45 - 2024-05-13 14:11:17

One of our large wireless towers in the Eketahuna area is experiencing an outage. Inspire Net Engineers are enroute to fix the issue now. At this point, we expect this to be repaired by the end of the day. Apologies for the inconvenience.

*** UPDATE 2.10PM *** We believe this to be resolved. If you are still experiencing connection issues, feel free to give us a call on 0800 484 363 ????

Experiencing problems on the network?
Please give our helpdesk a call on 0800 484 363 to report your fault.

You can also keep up to date with our network status on our Facebook page.